Albino Penis Envy Mushroom

Albino Penis Envy (APE) is a very unique strain of Psilocybe Cubensis. This mushroom is a hybrid of the infamous Penis Envy, and Albino PF, and is very potent. However, this mushroom does not produce as well as other strains of Cubensis. The mushrooms tend to be small in stature, but very dense, and slow to mature. The spores are hard to harvest, as the caps rarely show their gills, and the spores are transparent. APE is known best as a “novelty mushroom.” If you can get a clone from a nice cluster, it will produce much better though.

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albino penis envy

This specimen is the Albino Penis Envy Psilocybe Cubensis its one of the most popular researched strains on our website. Typically the Albino Penis Envy Mushroom is small, and slow growing, but EXTREMELY potent. In nature, it’s an interesting way to chalk up a conversation – “hey, what’s that sticking out of the ground?” – known for it’s unmistakable resemblance to the male reproduction organ.

Albino Penis Envy Mushroom

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